Just a old RPG Fan! Final Fantasy 4 anyone?

I love playing and reviewing games, let me know if you want yours reviewed!



Play testers

I would if I had some time :P. But good luck with your project :D

well I hope the reason you don't have time is cause you're working on your own game! =D

Looking for more play testers!


U need more Play testers?

Yes, It's really slowing me down having to play all options. I also really need someone to read dialogue and check spelling...

[Poll] Xbox One or PS4? Which one will you be buying?

handhelds: expensive, small screen, sometimes shallow games but even the big ones are rarely as big as console games. (big as in world size, gameplay depth, and game length)

What ever happened to the ol' Super GameBoy concept? It put Gameboy games into your SNES. Now that, my good friend, would take mobile gaming to the next level.

I found out last weekend you can connect your PS whatever their little hand held thingie is to a tv with an HDMI cable. I S*** my pants. I missed all those old FF games I've been dying to play because I thought it was a cheap tard system, and I didn't want to play on that micro screen. And now they have this new vita thing? gah! I financially can't keep up with any of this!! How do you multi-system people do it?!

I think I'm just going to stick with Nintendo since they are the cheapest; and they haven't let me down too much.

[Poll] Would you sell your game on RMN?

I personally don't think I could ever make something of high enough quality to sell, and it sounds kinda like a huge legal mess, unless you made everything from scratch.

I make games for the love of gaming. I treat it like cos-play. I would never out right buy a costume of a character I loved, cause I didn't put any effort into it. If I ever did make an awesome costume, I wouldn't want to sell it out to anyone; because I'd be ecstatic they loved the same person as I do. I'd let them borrow it if it fit.

Same here with RPGs, I play other people's games because they put effort into it, because they love it and I want to support that. I think throwing money into the mix kinda squishes the love for the under dog.

Also I'm with everyone else - the quality thing scares me. I've played games that asked me for money and I'm sitting here thinking "OMGOSH!, you actually think you DESERVE MONEY for this pile of BS?!" You'd need to have some sort of quality control, or sampling system. When I walk into a video game store, and want to buy something, You better believe I am going to check it out on the interwebs, or in a magazine first. Some stores even let me play it before I buy =D

P.S. Totally want to go play Dwarf Fortress now.
My eyes can't... handle... the tiny... window... guuhhh

Found some tilesets... just not the ones I was looking for!

I think I've stumbled into her site once or twice. It's not really set up for an efficient search. Maybe I will look more closely.

I remember now, I have seen these. They are very nice. I wish I was better with GIMP so I could take some of her items and mix them in and out with the tilesets I already have...

Looking for more play testers!

If the offer is still on the table then I'm in.

Awesome! it's always open. Do you have RPG Maker VX Ace, or do you just want to play through it?

Eastern Dragon Link died?

Oh I think the link died... their site maybe went down. Let me know if it werkz for anyone else.


Is the upper level of grass supposed to look sort of unnatural?

lol yeah I figured I'd play with a different color. The same color green everywhere gets old.

[Poll] Judging whether to download a game? What do you look for?

I download the unloved =(

I like to go for games that people don't normally play, or have been sitting around un-reviewed for a while. Maybe I'm slightly hipster, but I want to play the one that you didn't - not the main stream one. I like to see what the new guy is doing.

I also go based on people I see post a lot. If they're invested here on this site, then I will invest in them.

I actually am kinda opposite on the graphics. I don't like games that have a lot of non-rtp graphics. Last time I checked this was an RPG Maker website, not a 'Look how much better I am at art than you' website. It's just discouraging to me to think I've sunk about 4 months (wait - April is almost over, 5) into my game with a deep and involved plot and no one wants to play it because I can't draw - therefore I'm useless and a waste of MB. Sorry... got a bit ranty ... graphics wars have been raging in me since my youth.

Don't get me wrong - Please feel free to use your art skills if you have them; I don't want to discourage you doin' your thing. I've played good games with good graphics on this site; but I've played the same quality games with good ol' RTP graphics.

Earthbound for Wii U Virtual Console

^_^ :: Insert super annoying, excessively excited noises here ::