RPG Maker MV

Changes Luck to no longer affect item use, and instead grant bonus gold in combat

  • bentelk
  • 09/22/2018 03:19 PM
With this plugin enabled, luck no longer effects item uses; instead, it provides a bonus (or penalty) to the gold earned at the end of each combat.

Every point of luck ABOVE 100 gives +1% gold; every point BELOW 100 gives -1%.

For example, a party member with 90 luck means you get -10% gold. A party member with 163 luck means you get +63% gold. These add together, so if you had both of the above members in your party, you'd get +53% gold.

Finally: if you have the "double gold" skill in your party, it will add +100% gold, so if you had both of the above members in your party, and any (or both) of them had "double gold", you would get +153% gold from battles.

This, and other plugins I've made, are available at