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Conquest is made from the ashes of one's enemies.
The Welp forum has been created because there is need to quarantine certain types of posts that, while humorous or useful, do not meet the level of being a full-blown discussion thread. Forum games, media threads, and posts designed with short responses in mind are generally acceptable uses of this forum.

However, please keep in mind that this is not the Moronic forum, and we must do our best to ensure that it does not become as foul as its predecessor. As such, keep the following things in mind:

1. This is not the place to post or reply to topics that should be presented elsewhere in the hope that it will fly under the moderation radar. If the content of the post would fit nicely in another forum, please develop your thoughts into a coherent discussion and post it there instead.

2. No user call-out threads. This includes creating threads purely to mock other users or their creations and/or opinions.

3. No site call-out threads. If you can not present your case in a constructive manner in the User Feedback forum or via PM, don't bring your dirty laundry here. This includes disagreements over site policies and decisions.

4. No random threads with no rhyme or reason. Even if the general expectations for welp posts are less than what would be found in General Discussion, they must as least further some purpose â€" even if that purpose is just show off cool YouTube videos.

5. As users continue to find ways to skirt the rules and bring the site down into a foul stench, we will update the rules accordingly. However, the lack of an explicit rule on a topic should not illicit bad behavior just because “it's not a rule”. You will be held accountable for not only your adherence to stated rules but also your levels of civility and common sense.

I'm a dog pirate
Image Macros/Joke GIFs

As many of you know, image macros are frowned upon and almost always removed, especially outside of Welp. Inside Welp, however, they will typically be allowed in the context of a larger thread (e.g. a meme thread or something similar). However, they should not be blatantly offensive or serve as personal attacks against other users in any way - nor should they be dropped into random topics.
I'm a dog pirate
We may be discussing a rule related to posting IRC Chatlogs, specifically that whatever happens in IRC should stay in IRC unless there is consent from the users and it adheres to our code of conduct. Once we reach consensus on how to handle it, I'll post again here.
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