
PLEAAAASE do the first item on the list kentona! (reviews signalled as for demos/completed games)
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
what do you think about different colored stars for reviews of incomplete games? Makes it easier to tell at a glance that a review is for an incomplete game, and if a game doesn't have a review thats up to date by seeing their star rating in a different color.

How does that work for games that are abandoned? I mean there are a lot of games out there that the devs have walked away from, either the game or the site and what you have is as complete as it's ever going to be, but it's still not marked as such by the dev.

Personally I support this two colour system, it's easy to tell at a glance and it's up to the person looking at review to discount it because the game has grown since then or use it to see if the same pros and cons mentioned in the earlier reviews still appear in the later ones.
Self-proclaimed Puzzle Snob
Well, the bad thing about having two colours to suggest up-to-date and out-of-date reviews is that people sometimes just arbitrarily add a download with only a superficial amount of added content and thus the review becomes outdated. I don't think that's fair. Also, how is a reviewer to update their review to make it up-to-date again? Add a couple of words? Should a reviewer feel obligated to play a reviewed game every single time a new download is uploaded? That would mean if a dude gets a bad review, they'll just upload a new download and make the bad review out-of-date.

Plus, if you're just adding new content or a bugfix, do you necessarily want all those good reviews to become outdated? It'll prompt reviewers to do a lot of unnecessary rewrites of games, when they could be spending their time on stuff that matters.

I think being able to attach the "version name" of the download to the review systematically is good enough. Not sure how this'd work if devs delete their downloads, though. I mean, optimally maybe the colour of the stars should just stay as they are, and not be attached to any download name. Then it'd be way less confusing.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Hey Cash, no I think there would be 2 colours not for up-to-date and out-of-date but for completed and not. Currently they're a silvery grey, I'd leave that for any game that isn't marked as completed irrespective of version number, and another colour for completed games. That way you'd be able to see at a glance that the reviews were for a demo/incomplete game or a completed one. No version numbers or incremental changes, that would just get confusing.

Especially given a game can go through a multitude of changes before it's complete it would become a dog's breakfast (though I'm not sure how that would work with devs who list something as complete and then go back to it, or games on Hiatus). If you want to know about timings, then perhaps a way to sort the reviews on the page not just by ratings, as it currently stands but also by date, all of them have the date they were accepted listed. That way people reading them can choose only to read the latest review, or the reviews written in the last 6 months to form their opinion.

I mean if a dev has made one small bugfix update to a game in 8 months then an 8 month old review is just as valid as one made 2 weeks ago. Out-of-date is very subjective, completed and incomplete are not.

Of course this is all supposing multiple reviews for games, which does happen but it's not the norm by any standard. So perhaps we're over-thinking this xD...I'm actually perfectly fine with the system as it currently stands.
I was actually considering basing it on the Completed Date and not the timestamp of the download, differentiating between in production and completed games for the colors or indicators.

But as of right now I am working on making reviews for deleted games visible publicly even if the dev takes down their game.
I'm wondering if it makes sense to add a 'cooldown' for the Submit, New Post, Add Status Buttons, and what-not? Something like the cooldown feature for the game downloads. I think it'll lower the number of accidental double-posts, and even spam to an extent. 10 or so seconds should be enough to do the job.
There's already a cool down for new posts, as I found out when teeing up some posts and then hitting the ol' Submit button on each tab around the same time. It's a short cool down but it's there.
Really? I never noticed it. Maybe not long enough?
I mean, I doubt anyone would ever need to post more than once per minute on the same topic.
it's 15 seconds iirc. It used to be 30, but that annoyed the shit out of me every morning when I did my rounds on RMN (and when I did my stats topic which was 4 posts in quick succession)
Yeah, I've not seen as many double-posts as before. There's been a handful now and then but nothing like that 10-post that happened to... was it Cash? I think it was CashmereCat. Not since then. (And frankly, even 15 seconds can be annoying. >.<; I hate waiting. XD )
Guardian of the Description Thread
There's been a handful now and then but nothing like that 10-post that happened to... was it Cash? I think it was CashmereCat.

Either my sarcasm detector is utterly broken really off, or, one is attempting to reference Gourd_Clae's epic "bgcghxmbbgj]"?
Nah, I think Cash destroyed a gamepage one time with about 15 posts in a row due to the but we had. I did clean-up duty, so only one post survived of the lot, but it ran on for about a page and a bit.
Circumstance penalty for being the bard.
So, recent events have prompted me to ask if we can implement a function for mods to move forum threads in bulk...
I'd settle for a shortcut that lets us just automatically lock and move them to the archives. Maybe under the Admin controls. Or a Bot Button.

Also, banning from profile pages (with IP ban auto) just for bot use.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Do submitted games still say "Pending" if you didn't submit enough screenshots or didn't meet some other requirement? Can that be changed to something more accurate and helpful, if so?
I just tried making a dud page only to have the damn thing not turn up on my account. WTF?

That said, I do have another game that has no images showing as pending, so yeah, maybe we could fix that.
Random suggestion: Turn the scrolling boxes (idk what they're actually called) for selecting Genres/Flavours when managing games into an array of check or radio boxes instead?

It's a minor thing, really.
Do submitted games still say "Pending" if you didn't submit enough screenshots or didn't meet some other requirement? Can that be changed to something more accurate and helpful, if so?

What would you suggest? "Requires User Action"? "Submission Incomplete"?

Maybe add a list of things to do with a status next to each and an overall "Percent Complete"? Kinda like how Linkedin and other sites have a "Percent Complete" for your profile?

Random suggestion: Turn the scrolling boxes (idk what they're actually called) for selecting Genres/Flavours when managing games into an array of check or radio boxes instead?

It's a minor thing, really.

This is probably a good idea. I've been wanting to rework tagging for a while now.
Getting noticed when you have a new subscriber would be nice.
Why? You don't get to know who they are, it's just a number on the page. Most people subscribe to a game and don't bother interacting outside of watching (from what I've noticed). Would you want to know if they unsubscribed too?

I mean, I wouldn't mind a feature like that as long as it's set to off by default, because that would be annoying. -.-