Allows you to have skills followed up by more skills.

Follow Up Skills
Version 1.0
by Fomar0153​

Allows you to have skills followed up by more skills.

Easily use resources from older rpg makers!


Strong Attack has 50% to be followed up by Attack and 50% to be followed up by Guard.
Naturally when testing I grew concerned after the first seven Strong Attacks were followed up by Attack but then it balanced out.

How to Use
Place the plugin in your project's js/plugins/ folder.
Inside RPG Maker MZ's editor, open the Plugin Manager.
Create a new entry and select this plugin from the list.

Use the following notetag on skills:
<followup: x>
Will always follow up the current skill with skill x

If you'd like a more nuanced follow up then you can enter code like this:
<followup: if (Math.randomInt(2) == 0){1} else {2}>
Which will be eval'd and parsed as an int at run time.
The example above has a 50% chance of following up with Attack and a 50% chance of following up with Guard.

If you would like to have a skill only have a chance of following up then you could do something like:
<followup: if (Math.randomInt(10) == 0){1} else {0}>
Which would have a 10% chance of following up with Attack and 90% chance of not doing a follow up skill.
A result of 0 will mean no follow up skill.

Q: Nothing seems to happen when I use your plugin.
A: Make sure the plugin has its original name and that you haven't accidentally renamed it.


Terms of Use
As long as I am credited, you may use this plugin in your projects both commercial and non-commercial.


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