#  ** DoubleX RMVXA CATB Input Addon v1.00a to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB|
#  * Changelog                                                                 |
#    v1.00a(GMT 1400 25-5-2015):                                               |
#    - 1st version of this script finished                                     |
#  * Author                                                                    |
#    DoubleX:                                                                  |
#    - This script                                                             |
#    Yami:                                                                     |
#    - YSA Battle System: Classical ATB                                        |
#  * Terms of use                                                              |
#    Same as that of YSA Battle System: Classical ATB except that you must also|
#    give Yami credit(you should do this anyway) if you give DoubleX or his    |
#    alias credit                                                              |
#  * Prerequisites                                                             |
#    Scripts:                                                                  |
#    - DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fixes to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB             |
#    Knowledge:                                                                |
#    - That of using the script YSA Battle System: Classical ATB               |
#    - Decent scripting knowledge is needed to fully utilize this script       |
#  * Functions                                                                 |
#    - Lets users run their script codes right before/after inputting actions  |
#  * Manual                                                                    |
#    To use this script, open the script editor and put this script into an    |
#    open slot between the script                                              |
#    DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fixes to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB and ▼ Main.   |
#    Save to take effect.                                                      |
#    Suggested Complete CATB Scripts Order(Excluding Dhoom Manipulate State):  |
#    1.  Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Core Engine                                   |
#    2.  Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Battle Engine                                 |
#    3.  YSA Battle System: Classical ATB                                      |
#    4.  YSA Battle Add-on: Lunatic CATB Rate                                  |
#    5.  YSA Battle Add-on: Lunatic CATB Reset                                 |
#    6.  YSA Battle Add-on: Lunatic CATB Start                                 |
#    7.  DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fix to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB             |
#    8.  DoubleX RMVXA Compatibility Fix to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB   |
#    9.  DoubleX RMVXA Action Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    10. DoubleX RMVXA ATB Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB           |
#    11. DoubleX RMVXA Cancel Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    12. DoubleX RMVXA Clear Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB         |
#    13. DoubleX RMVXA CATB Clear Addon Compatibility Fix                      |
#    14. DoubleX RMVXA Color Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB         |
#    15. DoubleX RMVXA Cooldown Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB      |
#    16. DoubleX RMVXA Charge Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    17. DoubleX RMVXA Speed Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB         |
#    18. DoubleX RMVXA Countdown Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB     |
#    19. DoubleX RMVXA Countdown Addon Compatibility Fix                       |
#    20. DoubleX RMVXA Escape Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    21. DoubleX RMVXA Hotkey Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    22. DoubleX RMVXA CATB Input Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB    |
#    23. DoubleX RMVXA Percentage Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB    |
#    24. DoubleX RMVXA Reset Addon to YSA Battle Add-on: Lunatic CATB Reset    |
#    25. DoubleX RMVXA SE Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB            |
#    26. DoubleX RMVXA Tick Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB          |
#    27. DoubleX RMVXA Turn Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB          |
#    28. DoubleX RMVXA Unison Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    29. DoubleX RMVXA Update Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB        |
#    30. DoubleX RMVXA Wait Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB          |
#  * Compatibility                                                             |
#    - Same as that of YSA Battle System: Classical ATB                        |

($imported ||= {})["DoubleX RMVXA Input Addon to YSA-CATB"] = true

#  ** You only need to edit this part as it's about what this script does      |

module DoubleX_RMVXA
  module YSA_CATB_Input_Addon

    # RGSS3 codes stored as string form in PRE_ATB_INPUT will be evaluated right
    # before inputting actions
    PRE_ATB_INPUT = ""

    # RGSS3 codes stored as string form in POST_ATB_INPUT will be evaluated
    # right after inputting actions


#  ** You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works          |

    CONFIRM = %Q(
  alias confirmequals_catb_input_addon confirm=
  def confirm=(con)
    last_confirm = @confirm
    return unless !last_confirm && @confirm

  alias confirm_catb_input_addon confirm
  def confirm
    last_confirm = @confirm
    if !last_confirm && @confirm

  alias make_catb_action_input_addon make_catb_action
  def make_catb_action
    if max_catb_value? && @catb_action_times <= 0

  end # YSA_CATB_Input_Addon
end # DoubleX_RMVXA

if $imported["YEA-BattleEngine"] && $imported["YSA-CATB"] && $imported["DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fixes to YSA-CATB"]

#  * Edit class: Game_Action                                                   |

class Game_Action

  #  Alias methods                                                             |

end # Game_Action

#  * Edit class: Game_Battler                                                  |

class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase

  #  Alias method: make_catb_action                                            |

end # Game_Battler


end # $imported["YEA-BattleEngine"] && $imported["YSA-CATB"] && $imported["DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fixes to YSA-CATB"]
