TURBU makes headway

About a year and a half ago, I ran into a bug that I couldn’t track down. And I got a little bit discouraged and eventually just stopped working on TURBU and moved to a different project. But in the last few months, I’ve been coming back to work on TURBU, getting a lot of issues ironed out and adding more support for script commands and game features. And I’ve just uploaded a new build. The editor isn’t that different, but the turbu_player.exe engine has been greatly enhanced.

I’ve got a technical demo almost ready to show that the engine is capable of playing real projects imported from RPG Maker. I should have it up within a few days, if not sooner. But for now, check out the new build on the Downloads page


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You may wish to fix the ftgl.dll error if you haven't done so already.
What ftgl.dll error? I've tested this on a few different systems and not had any problems with FTGL.

If it gives you an error, please post it on the bug tracker, or email it to me on here, so I can work on it. Especially if you get the bug report dialog, please make sure to send me the report it generates; it contains valuable debug info to help me track down the problem.
Thanks for the bug report. The installer script was missing FTGL. I just uploaded a new installer that fixes this.
Wait...This is ALIVE?!
Yeah. It's been in limbo for a while, but it's alive and I'm going to finish it.
Cool stuff! Feel free to get some extra rm2k file format documentation from easyrpg readers library (it's complete except a few dozens of SaveXX.lsd data chunks). See the tool lcf2xml from Ghabry, it allows xml import/export for unknown chunk research, mostly interesting for .lsd (if you don't want to use debuggers). Takeshi also translated the battle formula from help file for a better interpretation.

Thanks. I've already got the file formats all worked out, except .lsd, which I'm not using. What I'm working on right now is the implementation side of things.

The battle formulas would definitely be helpful, though. Where would I find those? I looked around on your site a little but I didn't see it...
Two gists translated by Takeshi Watanabe:

About events: <-- note: this info might not be 100% accurate after some testing

"Battle formula" from RPG Maker 2000 help file: <-- compare this info with rpg2000.chm from rpg maker 2000 1.52 help file

You can contact us for more tech details at easyrpg channel on freenode
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