View monthly stats about RMN, and you!

  • hedge1
  • 07/06/2016 07:24 PM
Ever want to see your Makerscore growth over time? Or that of any other member? How about how RMN has grown over the past five years? All this and much much more available in RMN Stats.

Current release includes data from April 2011 to July 2016.

To use, first pick a category:

If you want to see data about a specific data point (user, game, etc) then click a name on the left or simply type in the value.

To see the raw data click "Raw Data" and then "Refresh Data Grid." The data grid never refreshes on it's own (I did this to prevent lag in the program) so you need to click this button each time you want to see the raw data.

You can also press "Export Data as XML" to get just the data grid data exported as XML. Or you can press "Export All Data" to refresh the entire database into XML format, which most major database engines should accept, should you want to mess around with the data yourself.

To add future months, simply copy/paste the stuff Kentona posts each month into a plain text document and name it like the others and the program will import it.



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