Best Game Title Entries Votes
The most clever, original, witty, or cool game title of the year.
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening 54
THERAPIST: Mind Manager 18
New Eden 6
Stories of New Eden 3
Best Game Profile Entries Votes
The raddest presentation and marketing of the game.
The MirBox 52
New Eden 12
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening 11
"Eye Candy" Award Entries Votes
Raddest Graphics & Artwork. An excellent example of art direction and cohesive vision.
Beetle Ninja 28
Moonsong: First Verse 11
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening 11
Exile's Journey 9
Phileas's Mirror 9
Midnight Train 8
New Eden 8
Summoner of Sounds Entries Votes
The best soundtrack and creative use of sound.
Beetle Ninja 42
Exile's Journey 15
New Eden 10
Excellence in Narrative Entries Votes
The project you think is most effective at telling its story. Think in terms of its presentation, writing, clarity, cutscene direction, or Shyamalan twists.
THERAPIST: Mind Manager 17
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening 15
New Eden 14
Moonsong: First Verse 9
Slimes 9
Exile's Journey 8
The "How the Hell Did They Do That?" Award Entries Votes
The game that shows the most innovative and creative Gameplay this year.
THERAPIST: Mind Manager 24
Beetle Ninja 18
Shadow Seeker 12
Bounty Angel 2 9
New Eden 9
Best Short Game Award Entries Votes
The best under-1-hour game that you played this year!
Moonsong: First Verse 36
Stories of New Eden 22
The Dark Souls of RMN Entries Votes
The game that delivers the best challenges or coolest puzzles.
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening 38
Exile's Journey 21
Punniest Game Alive Entries Votes
Comedic game of the year. Pick the funniest game you played this year, with the best humour and/or the best/worst puns.
Beetle Ninja 28
Shooty and the Catfish: Fully Reloaded 15
New Eden 13
Two Strangers: The Third Stranger 9
Exile's Journey 3
Two Strangers Survive the Zombie Apocalypse 3
Trippiest Game Entries Votes
The game that was most strange, bizarre, psychedelic, offbeat, and quirky released this year.
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening 26
LABYRINTH - Derelict Abyss 20
Slimes 16
The kentona Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence Entries Votes
The best game that doesn't yet exist.
Beetle Ninja 36
Exile's Journey 20
New Eden 10
Year of the Hedgehog Entries Votes
Best use of animals/doggos/pets/hedgehogs/lobsters in a game this year.
Shooty and the Catfish: Fully Reloaded 33
Two Strangers: The Third Stranger 16
Stories of New Eden 15
Best Event Game Entries Votes
For the best of the event games that came from this year.
The game with no name 51
Not Dead Yet Award Entries Votes
Given to the best old game that was finally finished this year.
Exile's Journey 30
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening 27
New Eden 11
Star Stealing Prince Award Entries Votes
The game that used the best original assets this year.
Beetle Ninja 38
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening 22
Exile's Journey 7
"Everlasting Journey" Award Entries Votes
The game that has the most content to offer.
Exile's Journey 24
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening 23
New Eden 10
Beetle Ninja 6
THERAPIST: Mind Manager 5
Moonsong: First Verse 4
Best Non-English Game Entries Votes
Given to the best translated or non-English game released this year.
THERAPIST: Mind Manager 32
Phileas's Mirror 25
Most Promising Demo Entries Votes
The demo released this year you think has the most potential to be amazing.
Soma Union 30
Shadow Seeker 25
Exile's Journey 8
Game of the Year Entries Votes
The absolute best game you played from RMN for the current year.
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening 25
Beetle Ninja 12
Moonsong: First Verse 11
Exile's Journey 10
THERAPIST: Mind Manager 9
New Eden 8
Midnight Train 8