Best Graphics & Artwork Entries Votes
The game you feel has the best graphics. (In general, this category should favor original artwork over ripped or commercial graphics)
Paletta 17
Pocket Mirror Classic (2016) 15
Lakria Legends 12
The World Is Destroyed And It's All Because of You 8
Umbral Soul 3
Raddest Setting Entries Votes
The game you feel had the most clever, inventive, interesting and immersive setting/world for the game to take place in.
Sideways 9
Lakria Legends 9
Umbral Soul 9
Pumpkin Noir 8
Neon Lightning Force 7
Final Fantasy Blackmoon Prophecy II 7
Mechanima 6
Best Sound & Music Entries Votes
The best soundtrack and creative use of sound.
Lakria Legends 18
Pocket Mirror Classic (2016) 12
Mownt: For Peace (IGMC 2017) 11
Umbral Soul 10
Trippiest Game Entries Votes
The game that was most strange, bizarre, psychedelic, offbeat, and quirky released this year.
Rezident Evil: It Is Escape 16
Amort 10
RMN Christmas Card 2017 7
Lakria Legends 5
Mission Whaled 5
Fear and Hunger 5
Sideways 2
Most RTP Game Award Entries Votes
The game that best uses the engine's default resources.
Faxanadog/Lobster Quest Deluxe: the Lobster Saga Collection! 26
Umbral Soul 22
"Lawsuit Waiting To Happen" Award Entries Votes
The most non-chalant use of rips in a game.
Final Fantasy Blackmoon Prophecy II 36
Rezident Evil: It Is Escape 8
Faxanadog/Lobster Quest Deluxe: the Lobster Saga Collection! 5
Monster World Legends 3
RMN Christmas Card 2017 3
Best Game Title Entries Votes
The most clever, original, witty, or cool game title of the year.
The World Is Destroyed And It's All Because of You 42
Quest Questers 8
Umbral Soul 6
Best Storytelling and Direction Entries Votes
The project you think is most effective at telling its story. Think in terms of its presentation, writing, clarity, cutscene direction, and originality.
Mownt: For Peace (IGMC 2017) 10
Umbral Soul 9
Final Fantasy Blackmoon Prophecy II 9
Lakria Legends 7
Amort 7
Pocket Mirror Classic (2016) 6
Chronicles of Tsufanubra 2
Best Protagonist/Characters Entries Votes
The game that had the best lead or cast.
Umbral Soul 21
Faxanadog/Lobster Quest Deluxe: the Lobster Saga Collection! 16
Lakria Legends 11
"Kefka Award" Best Antagonist Entries Votes
(Antagonist means 'Villain')
RMN Christmas Card 2017 28
Umbral Soul 20
Best Shyamalan Entries Votes
Game with the most twists or the most mind-blowing twist.
Rezident Evil: It Is Escape 13
Chronicles of Tsufanubra 10
RMN Christmas Card 2017 10
Lakria Legends 9
Umbral Soul 5
Best Intro Entries Votes
Which start of a game hooked you the most?
Umbral Soul 22
Quest Questers 20
Best Finale Entries Votes
An ending can make or break a game. Which game had the best ending?
Lakria Legends 19
RMN Christmas Card 2017 16
Umbral Soul 10
The "How the Hell Did They Do That?" Award Entries Votes
The game that displays the most technical prowess and feats of ingenuity in gameplay.
Lakria Legends 16
DragonBall Z: Saiyajin Legend 11
Sideways 10
Amort 5
Umbral Soul 5
Best Gameplay Balance Entries Votes
The game with the most solid and balanced implementation.
Umbral Soul 15
Lakria Legends 13
Final Fantasy Blackmoon Prophecy II 8
Chronicles of Tsufanubra 8
Quest Questers 5
Best Dungeon/Level/Puzzle Design Entries Votes
The best stages/dungeons or cleverest puzzles.
Lakria Legends 23
COLORS: Lost Memories 11
Umbral Soul 7
Quest Questers 5
Fear and Hunger 2
The Most Boss of Fights! Entries Votes
The game that delivers the best battles and challenges.
Lakria Legends 16
Umbral Soul 15
Chronicles of Tsufanubra 11
Best Fan-Game Entries Votes
Final Fantasy Blackmoon Prophecy II 45
Umbral Soul 4
Rezident Evil: It Is Escape 3
Most Fun And Addictive! Entries Votes
The game you had the hardest time putting down.
Lakria Legends 13
RMN Christmas Card 2017 13
Umbral Soul 12
Einherjar 7
Best Old-School Game Entries Votes
A game so good it reminds you of the Golden RPG-era.
Lakria Legends 19
Final Fantasy Blackmoon Prophecy II 11
COLORS: Lost Memories 9
Chronicles of Tsufanubra 9
Umbral Soul 5
Sleeper Hit of the Year Entries Votes
The most underrated game of the year. The game everybody hears is good but nobody has bothered to play.
Mownt: For Peace (IGMC 2017) 21
Neon Lightning Force 13
Lakria Legends 8
Faxanadog/Lobster Quest Deluxe: the Lobster Saga Collection! 6
Umbral Soul 3
Most Promising Demo Entries Votes
The demo released this year you think has the most potential to be amazing.
Fear and Hunger 18
Crescent Prism: Chapter 1 12
Pumpkin Noir 6
Lakria Legends 6
Journey to the East 3
Ruby Quest: Undertow 1
Game of the Year Entries Votes
The absolute best game you played from RMN for the current year (any genre).
Lakria Legends 16
Umbral Soul 13
Final Fantasy Blackmoon Prophecy II 9
Amort 8
Pocket Mirror Classic (2016) 3
Chronicles of Tsufanubra 3